Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Our Prime Minister Mr Narendra  Modi has given a call of  “ Smart City “
which is quite popular not only among the people of India but in other parts of the world . Till so for India has already did lot of base work and hope that there will be more concrete work for the people. In September 2014 there was a conference and Expo for ‘ Smart City Living “ in Dubai where  concept of new technologies where displayed and open discussions were promoted to improve the old cities of various countries to mould it to sustain future developments for the man kind . Again there is one question that what this technology is suitable for a poor country like India . where first we have to arrange  food and drinking water . Though for these two we are making efforts from last more than 30  years but our planners had not carried out for public . There were no effective vision but again from 2014 when a new leader has taken up and given call for smart city – it is started flourishing and day by day the thoughts of people and in the moulding process .
Smart City does not mean only application of hi-tech but engaging people and responding them for their needs . There must be proper inter connecting communication system or by transportation system and there must be optimum use of our resources for food , house for living and mode of transportation for which water is also very importation . So first efforts must be such which are responding to people for their needs and at the same time giving knowledge that how our resources can be useful to full fill our needs . In 1983-84 on the call of “ World Bank “ for Primary School  Buildings I used organic planning , maximum use of local  materials and transportation of different materials from 50 km distance only and after investing minimum money and where there was great except ability for development in future .
The technology applied to achieve qualities of smart city must have following factors –
1.     The technology must be embracing .
2.     It must provide mental and physical comforts to the people of city as well as people from out side coming to  the city so that they must have tendency to visit the city and try to migrate that system to reform their own city or near by areas 
3.     It must provide convenience to all .
4.     It must provide comfort at least up to tolerable limits to all age group of people and even to kids who are successor in future .
5.     All developments must have sustainability in future at least for fifty years .
6.     It must provide sense of security to people of society for every walk of life i.e. law and order must be perfect and at the same time it also must give  fear to culprits and must propagate him to be a good man .
7.     The development must to get neat and clean  places which must provide hygienic environment for a better health .
8.     It must contain a comfortable ,  time reducing and economical mode of transportation for people ..
9.     It must provide proper and healthy links with near by areas and villages to  provide people to have a comfortable  and enjoy full visit .
10.                        Each one of us use proper use of environmental resources for our better health .
11.                        Each one of us must be care full  fo green buildings or green environment all round to us to develop our and others health
12.                        Day by day each one of us must develop the economy for our self and for others i.e. “ Live and let others to live “ .
13.                        We must select best process for recycling to save some thing for future  generation  too .
14.                        There must be a proper education system for people to create high rate of literacy among the people .    
15.                        There must be positive attitude for crops of cereals and vegetable weather it is within the city or out side the city because these are the main wealth of the country .
16.                        There must be proper studies of geological and geographical conditions of the city .
17.                        There must be proper studies of effects of natural elements on environment .     
18.                        There must be proper environment for fundamental and higher studies so that back bone f the country must strong enough .
19.                        Proper studies of satellite towns of the city and method of communications among them.
20.                        Proper studies of facilities are there and how further facilities can be provided  for others and even for future .

Case  Study  Of   ALLAHABAD --- this study has been made on the following points .—
1.     In general Allahabad has almost a square form in shape which is surrounded with water on three sides with rivers like – Ganga, Yamuna and Sarsuti  , and which is a healthy significance for prosperity of the city.
2.     It has three major satellite towns which are on periphery having a permanent water belt Ganga or Yamuna  in between . 
Three major satellite towns are – Nani  , Jushi , and  Phaphamu
Since  these towns have lot of short comings therefore neither they  grow to have their identity nor have any major impacted on Allahabad . If these three satellite towns developed in a proper way than will has impact  on Allahabad as a smart city .
3.     These are connected with Allahabad with bridges but today these bridges can not full fill the basic needs of people at least transportations.   
4.     Further it needs more and more bridges of larger capacity like Howrah Bridge  at Calcutta or Nani Bridge at Allahabad , even which can full fill the needs of people in future too .
5.     These towns must have proper educational centres with healthy environment , proper medical centres so that only 20% cases may be refer to Allahabad units .
6.     There must be proper competitive markets where people may get things of their need on the cheaper rates than Allahabad with full securities so that a house wife is free from the security tension . This will help her to devote more time for other works .
7.     As for as possible people must be involved in creative works in evening or in night so that new generation must understand its reparations on people and society .
8.     There must be enough opportunities  of jobs for people so that they should not run to a bigger town .
9.     There must be at least 1 to 2 acres of land for a 4000 to5000 people as a open or play area or recreational area to keep them fit for their works .
10.                        When these towns are developed than there is need of fast mode of transportations  for which there must be the provision in future .
11.                        After studies on these points on has to think to develop Allahabad a smart  city where all the services must be clear for people for which there may be minimum charges but for amenities there may be charges as per investments .
12.                        The old or existing roads must be studies and than find out it required width and nature of speed so that man may take minimum time to reach from one point to other point .
13.                         The mode of operation of private weachiles  must be decided before hand and their roots must be fixed at the peak hours because during the peak hours only public transport system  will be allowed .
14.                        There must be compulsory for each manufacturing or house unit or for sweepers to collect the waste for recycling by which there may be some useful  end product .
15.                        Once if roads are laid down completely than further any operation is not allowed or if is urgent than there is heavy charges so that in future no body will try for it .
16.                         It is the high time when we must pay attention on horboriculture  which can provide  shades to people who are moving  on it without  investing any money further .This will be the natural process which will also help the natural recycling process .
17.                        What today our treatment process are working for its ultimate value , if not than first find out its problems than think of its remodelling .
18.                        Another measure problem today in city is about various movements of animals . This can be solved by demarking it separate area on the outskirts of the city or within the villages which must be supervised with the strict law and orders and than after proper preservation it can be supplied to the city areas .
19.                        Another very important issue is the transportation of children to school for their studies which must be carried out only by the institutions for which the institutions will be responsible only . If organizations are not ready  than they should not allowed to a institution . At the same time first every institution must have complete or all type of infrastructures than only allowed to run it .
20.                         There must be a teacher bank where they can in role themselves two to three years only where they can get some incentives ,  but where ever there is vacancies they have to go or time to time they must attend the redresser coerces.  For these teachers there must be continuing study programs  which they must attend with the binding to serve the institution at least for five years .
21.                        To make a city smart must be a continues process based on scientific developments . When new ideas and themes will applied than a teacher will also have the interest in teaching by heart .
22.                        Every field which is required for day today life need a care full watching and than application is must .    
23.                        On one side of road there must be a nursery having 30% to 40% flower plants and rest 60% to 70% plants of beautiful foliage of leaves which  also can be purchased by people or by children to develop environment at home . On the other side parking area can be developed with proper circulation and than merging with main road . This will help to develop to make city as Green City too .
24.                        Man must have the patience and time to see its future because it will take  good time in developing within extreme forms .
25.                        For a smart city – each one of us must work for others with our core of heart .This must be in general because each one of us is responsible to maintain our city neat and clean and must follow a certain order of discipline . For example once two friends were moving on the street of London and one of them took out his cigarette packet and took out last cigarette and burn with match box .  He thrown empty packet and burn stick on the street . On the back of these two friends one lady was coming who saw it . She picked up empty cigarette box and half burn stick and hardly reached to them . First she shown these two waste things to them and asked them this is your’s . They said no and these are not mine . She immediately said but London do not required people like you and she went to dustbin and drop these two waste things in that . That lady has given them a lesion by core of her heart  “ not to repeat it in future “ .
26.                        Each one of us must use the recycling process for waste materials and must use even its end products as a use full one .  For example anaerobic biodegradation of organic maters which will be the source of energy as well as end product as a fertilizer for agriculture . This will make national saving  of energy .
27.                        There must be as much as possible use of Renewal Sources of Energy by man in their lives to make it more friendly for man .
28.                        In the case of smart city one should not disturb the nature and than only they can use natural effects .
29.Today one can watch that there are several incidents of building collapsing due to poor strength of structure , use of sub-standard building materials and use of ineffective construction technology because today client is interested to make tremendous reduction in cast of construction and this can be done by only unqualified persons who is only interested to please the client only . This collapsing of various buildings is giving a thought of importance of an architect for project . Council of Architecture is also emphasizing to the professional architects to provide all possible work must be taken up by the well qualified and responsible person and who must be questionable in future . I well remember about a English movie “ Tower Infenaro “ where there was a wrong selection of electric wire for such an important high rise building due to owner who was infulance of an unquajified person and whole building was in fire and in the last it was also saved by responsible architect . Another example is of Sir Cattlay who was the principle of “ Thomson Engineering College “ , Roorkee  who was responsible to contract a canal and must pass through Roorkee from Ganga  river . He was failure for two times than in the last he went to England and dispose off his all properties and came back and constructed again and at the time of trail he was moving on his favourite horse so that if he is failed than he and his horse will also die , but he got success and later he got the title of  “ Sir “ .

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