Thursday, 27 December 2012

Modern Values of Modern Town

Today when one think or dream about a modern city it immediately gives the name of Chandigarh . Its master plan was prepared by Le Carbusier in 1948 for the capital of Punjab for 150000 population with future expansion upto 500,000 population along with the fast development of science and technology and their effects on the city. He made the divisions in the form of sectors to put similar functions together in comfortable conditions. Le Corbuseir already explained that the roads of the city are as arteries to human body to supply blood to keep a man healthy. Therefore, he put V8 type of roads for better and smooth transportation by means of various speeds. But from last 19th century to 20th century metropolitan city was popular like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, but not for road but for facilities and trade environment. Today people expected that the neat and clean roads for various speeds are most important for the progress of and growth of country. So in 21st century people are moving to metro cities.. Metro is the most economical and finest mode of transportation in air or underground without disturbing various functions on ground .

A metro city or metropolis city is that which provides infrastructural facilities , provides friendly business-environment , education avenues , employment opportunities and all other facilities to live and to make human relations . There must be sufficient sources which can tackle day today problems and various managements and city dwellers must feel comfortable on socio-economic front . There may be boom in constructional activity but not at the cast required open space , but at the same time there must be adequate infrastructure to remove heaps of debris and other civic waste from city to site of treatment or disposal i.e. to outskirts for final disposal for treatment .All roads must have proper traffic signals or at least during peak hours . There must be sufficient and excellent medical facilities , school and schooling facilities so that each one must has confidence of proper growth of his family . There must be sufficient portable water supply , perfect sewerage system and must create a familiar environmental picture for others . There must be effective net work of safe, cheap and comfortable transportation system in minimum time for maximum distance . There must be facilities for academic education ,recreation for every age group and lifestyle to pass time in a comfortable conditions .

When a metro city is developed than there are development of many satellite towns which develops as a parasite relationship with metro city but when metro city can not sustain the load of satellite town than properties of metro city starts decorating and it will start loosing its charm and importance will fail . This is only when the development of satellite towns are in the hands of private developers , therefore unit which is responsible to develop metro city must be careful on site and private developers must delt with iron hand . For example Delhi government took initiative to remove traffic congestion through metro-mode of transportation. The concept of metro is a world class transportation system by which man is transported from one place to another in a comfortable and safe environment of high speed without disturbing to anyone on road. Man who use one hour to move from one point to other point by metro will take more than two hour by road or even more.
Delhi Metro had already linked many sub-urban cities like Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad and will link others in future which will force people to live in their own town and at the same time one government must help the other government to have more and more infrastructures so that metro city can be made safe from migration. Any development of infrastructure in a city is directly related to its economy. Some time some states has a better financial position so that they van afford but some one may not afford . For example after the development of Chandigrah once Mr. Nehru said that a poor country like India can not afford the second Chandigrah in India .
Economical growth of a state is more and more important for such infrastructure therefore infrastructure must be related to functional requirements,  economical growth and to various natural elements to meet the basic requirements of dwellers . At the same time migration of people must be stop by developing various amenities where transportation is most important by which man can cover distance in the shortest period which is only possible by metro-rail , 6 to 8 lane road where car , bus etc. can run not less than 80 to 100 km. .per hours . speed .
The provision of all these type of transportations are the net-work of transportation and are interrelated for which we need a much larger space , infrastructures and money and units for management . Today other important part is the protection of water which is only possible when all rivers are interconnected and stop the flow of water to sea or convert more and more as ground water , otherwise next world war will be for water .
In fact New Delhi is the administrative capital of India , Mumbai and Calcutta are commercial cities but by and by Delhi is also as a commercial one because suburban cities of Delhi are day by day becoming more powerful commercial units which have corporate offices are at Delhi . If these suburban cities are remodel with respect to one function than would be for better and the future of country will has better opportunities to next  generation .
Another example case study is Dwarka which is a new satellite town of Delhi .The planning of this township is much more based on Chandigrah ‘s road pattern etc . It is an excellent one to provide mental and physical comfort to its dwellers but on the other hand it has a poor maintains of  services and development of slum which gives a poor impacts on dwellers and giving birth to various evils
Most of cities in India  don’t have employment opportunities therefore today more than 95 percent educated young youth between 20 to 30 years are out of their town by this there is no comparison of uneducated youth to educated youth . This is creating a new problem of un-law-fullness among the uneducated youth . This will give a poor impact in future on society i.e. society may be un-human  or society may lost human qualities . Today one can observe that all over the world . Today man is not honest to use his knowledge and money to develop his own city / town and country .One day some one will give a new horizon of development for world and world – politicians for mankind .

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