Saturday, 29 December 2012

Environmental Pollution

As concerns of an environmental pollution are very vast one has to understand for a common man. In broad terms the pollution can be classified in two groups. First Natural Pollution and second man made pollution and both are governing with total environment including land-soil, water and air. In the case of natural pollution which is produced by the action and reaction of nature is 98% recycled by nature and converting into useful end products again for mankind. Here a very simple example is carbon dioxide is produced by man is absorbed by the plants and plant materials and in return gives oxygen which is very important for mankind. Even Sunami in sea can be used as a source of energy or power which can be used by man in future to generate power. Sun produces excessive heat which is used for evaporation of water to produce clouds for rains which is very important for man kind as well as for natural elements. In India, most of the families use to preserve the food materials and can cook their food by means of solar cookers. Sun heat is very important for leaves for their actions and reactions of chlorophyll for plant and also for mankind to work. Even sun heat is useful to accelerate aerobic and anaerobic reactions. A natural rain fall which comes through different layers of environment by absorbing various useful gases for mankind to earth-soil .From earth soil when it percolate by and by it is purified and than finally collected underground  as a reservoir as a purest form of water for mankind . In ground present of water helps to sustain earth-quake and earth magnetic movement up to some extend and mankind withdraws it in emergency. Here in nature aerobic and anaerobic reactions with organic substances are going on which produces and produce manure. Up to some extend earth pressure provides pressure and temperature both which help to increase the rate of bio-mass reactions which is again an useful end product .Present of particulates in nature reduces sun –heat as well as deposition of water vapors on its surface to form clouds for rains which helps to grow various organic substances for mankind in the form of grains for mankind to grow with nature.

Nature is the best friend of mankind which solves the problem of man-produce pollution to recycle and convert it into useful end products for man. But today due to very fast and rapid growth of science and technology man is discharging various pollutants in a large quantity in nature which nature is not able to covert into useful end products. So must also find the various methods to reduce the quantity of pollutant or converting it in different forms which may be easy for nature and at the same time useful for mankind. For example sewer line carrying human excreta has a large dilution i.e. water to flow under the self cleansing property and then mass treatment under aerobic and an aerobic process is very costly and it has to go out through the city. If it treated by oxidation pond then it means various gases and micro-organisms are discharged in environment which has to recycle by nature and if it done under an-aerobic method then more space, money and time required. In my opinion the process of an-aerobic treatment of human excreta through septic tank is better and there may be collection of gases is to be used for energy or for light or for cooking food. Another process which I develop is far better, useful and economical for mankind. Let us dream a cluster of houses having a sizable land which can be used as kitchen garden, have a common large type septic tank and effluent of this septic tank is passed through perforated pipes from one meter below the soil level slope to the total vegetable garden. The affluent water which consist of manure and organic particles will be use for growth of plants and at the same time a part of affluent water will be converted into ground water and gases are used for burning lights or cooking are fire by which if any micro-organisms is present will die out. It will give minimum load to nature. 

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Modern Values of Modern Town

Today when one think or dream about a modern city it immediately gives the name of Chandigarh . Its master plan was prepared by Le Carbusier in 1948 for the capital of Punjab for 150000 population with future expansion upto 500,000 population along with the fast development of science and technology and their effects on the city. He made the divisions in the form of sectors to put similar functions together in comfortable conditions. Le Corbuseir already explained that the roads of the city are as arteries to human body to supply blood to keep a man healthy. Therefore, he put V8 type of roads for better and smooth transportation by means of various speeds. But from last 19th century to 20th century metropolitan city was popular like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, but not for road but for facilities and trade environment. Today people expected that the neat and clean roads for various speeds are most important for the progress of and growth of country. So in 21st century people are moving to metro cities.. Metro is the most economical and finest mode of transportation in air or underground without disturbing various functions on ground .

A metro city or metropolis city is that which provides infrastructural facilities , provides friendly business-environment , education avenues , employment opportunities and all other facilities to live and to make human relations . There must be sufficient sources which can tackle day today problems and various managements and city dwellers must feel comfortable on socio-economic front . There may be boom in constructional activity but not at the cast required open space , but at the same time there must be adequate infrastructure to remove heaps of debris and other civic waste from city to site of treatment or disposal i.e. to outskirts for final disposal for treatment .All roads must have proper traffic signals or at least during peak hours . There must be sufficient and excellent medical facilities , school and schooling facilities so that each one must has confidence of proper growth of his family . There must be sufficient portable water supply , perfect sewerage system and must create a familiar environmental picture for others . There must be effective net work of safe, cheap and comfortable transportation system in minimum time for maximum distance . There must be facilities for academic education ,recreation for every age group and lifestyle to pass time in a comfortable conditions .

When a metro city is developed than there are development of many satellite towns which develops as a parasite relationship with metro city but when metro city can not sustain the load of satellite town than properties of metro city starts decorating and it will start loosing its charm and importance will fail . This is only when the development of satellite towns are in the hands of private developers , therefore unit which is responsible to develop metro city must be careful on site and private developers must delt with iron hand . For example Delhi government took initiative to remove traffic congestion through metro-mode of transportation. The concept of metro is a world class transportation system by which man is transported from one place to another in a comfortable and safe environment of high speed without disturbing to anyone on road. Man who use one hour to move from one point to other point by metro will take more than two hour by road or even more.
Delhi Metro had already linked many sub-urban cities like Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad and will link others in future which will force people to live in their own town and at the same time one government must help the other government to have more and more infrastructures so that metro city can be made safe from migration. Any development of infrastructure in a city is directly related to its economy. Some time some states has a better financial position so that they van afford but some one may not afford . For example after the development of Chandigrah once Mr. Nehru said that a poor country like India can not afford the second Chandigrah in India .
Economical growth of a state is more and more important for such infrastructure therefore infrastructure must be related to functional requirements,  economical growth and to various natural elements to meet the basic requirements of dwellers . At the same time migration of people must be stop by developing various amenities where transportation is most important by which man can cover distance in the shortest period which is only possible by metro-rail , 6 to 8 lane road where car , bus etc. can run not less than 80 to 100 km. .per hours . speed .
The provision of all these type of transportations are the net-work of transportation and are interrelated for which we need a much larger space , infrastructures and money and units for management . Today other important part is the protection of water which is only possible when all rivers are interconnected and stop the flow of water to sea or convert more and more as ground water , otherwise next world war will be for water .
In fact New Delhi is the administrative capital of India , Mumbai and Calcutta are commercial cities but by and by Delhi is also as a commercial one because suburban cities of Delhi are day by day becoming more powerful commercial units which have corporate offices are at Delhi . If these suburban cities are remodel with respect to one function than would be for better and the future of country will has better opportunities to next  generation .
Another example case study is Dwarka which is a new satellite town of Delhi .The planning of this township is much more based on Chandigrah ‘s road pattern etc . It is an excellent one to provide mental and physical comfort to its dwellers but on the other hand it has a poor maintains of  services and development of slum which gives a poor impacts on dwellers and giving birth to various evils
Most of cities in India  don’t have employment opportunities therefore today more than 95 percent educated young youth between 20 to 30 years are out of their town by this there is no comparison of uneducated youth to educated youth . This is creating a new problem of un-law-fullness among the uneducated youth . This will give a poor impact in future on society i.e. society may be un-human  or society may lost human qualities . Today one can observe that all over the world . Today man is not honest to use his knowledge and money to develop his own city / town and country .One day some one will give a new horizon of development for world and world – politicians for mankind .

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Green Building

Man took birth in the Lap of Nature, which gives lot of colorful and textureful leaves , flowers and different forms and foliages of plants and other elements to create wonderful environment. Nature is the best friend of man which recycles all organic substances and makes a useful end product for him. Today man is cutting his wonderful and useful assets – FORESTS for his living in a haphazard way. Every man can dance in a forest but only few can dance on stage, it shows that man is a part of nature. Due to this man is using the word “Green – Building” which is very common among architects, engineers but leaders make it as a media to escape from their responsibilities for providing neat and clean and healthy environment and comfortable future for our children.

In old days our ancestors were thinkers and use to project their schemes for next 100 to 500 years in future to control the increase of population, waste disposal and treatment and to protect environment from pollution but from last 50 years no body had projected it even for 50 years after considering the various scientific and technologies developments. But here we can take the examples of town like Chandigrah , Jamshadepur etc which will never face such problems even in next 100 years .

New developments in old cities must be on outskirt or near by on a larger area after visualizing the future which will as a satellite town of the old one. Dwarka is a new example of today but its size is small with respect to future developments. Today Delhi has Metro – a new public mode of transportation, which is in use for whole Delhi even for the inner most areas. It must be incorporated during planning only and only for Delhi metro line will develop very fast .

Even the example of towns of Nile Valley civilization there were better disposal and treatment or recycle of waste were better than today modern disposal and treatment systems . They select the core of town in the form of rectangle form for a limited population and all short of basic requirements and waste disposal for treatment to get final end products which are useful for man .  A green building must has sufficient open space or area all round so that a good and healthy landscape or greenery may be provided to develop a comfortable environment . As per local by-law such spaces are must for approval of a house construction . If we plan to plant the tree on west side which will protect the building from direct sun heat and at the same time blow of hot air will covert in to cold air . This green objects will also help to evaporation of water for rains .Today green building is mostly a symbolic representation for urban building because area of town or city is fixed but population is increasing day by day . The increase of population is due to growth in population  or due to migration of people from one place to other place . When there is increase of population in urban areas i.e. increase in population per unit area . This is most effective cause of poor environment around the man .The demand of dwelling can be solved up to some extend by means of vertical growth of town but before this there must be improvements and modifications in existing infrastructures , services and amenities with respect to 100 years in future . One can dream a vertical town over sea as it was thought by Mr.Buck Minister Fullar in 1960 .

Day by day population is increasing and man , due to manufacturing new materials is discharging various complex pollutants in environment ( air ,water, soil etc. ) without treatment  capacity of nature . Over this even Mr . Ebenzer Howards thought and given certain modifications and self sufficient population units are made and these must be develop on external circumference with prime infrastructure of transportation and other services with a large size water lake or lakes to collect rain water for population as similar to Bhopal because purification of water is easier and economical and water casement area depend on rain fall .In my opinion there must be minimum 10 to 15 sq.m. area per head for agriculture growth and this land will be used throughout the year for various crops and manure can be collected from the biodegrading of organic matters .Even the human extricate can be treated in septic tank and its affluent can be passed through  perforated pipes at one meter depth .I did an successful application in one of my problem .

Today plants ,creepers and plant species can be used . For example Tulsi , Pepal  provides oxygen all twenty four hours and this plant can be installed in any pot . One can plan the various plant –species  on the various surfaces of building to make it colour full and echo friendly  .This will provide new thoughts to develop modern building which can be correlated to environmental and all horizontal and vertical surfaces which are responsible to protect inner volume from direct indirect heat can be treated to provide more greenery to help to keep environment cool for human comforts .   This may also give a chance further to  develop new materials and new ways to solve problem for example our Late Prim Minister Lal Bhadur Shastri who had given a call to grow grains on the roof of your house to solve National- Grain problem . It was a Green-Revelation for a cause which is required today to improve environment .

Monday, 24 December 2012

Architecture - Planning Overview

Planning   is an important  word  for the students of  Architecture as well as for the human-being  for his every walk of life. Planning is the significance and related to various operations  to complete the work . Man must do his work in a systematic way in minimum time with comfortable conditions and to get maximum mental and physical comfort . Planning of a building is a composition of various forms in the form of rooms
and other functional spaces . A form which is to be used  in planning must be a suitable size so that a man or a group of people can perform their various functions and at the same time it must give an excellent appearance .This form must govern with the theory of
“ Form must follow the function “ which is an excellent in the field of Architectural –Planning .Before planning one must draw a circulation diagram which will help to minimize the circulation area , by which on can reduce the cast of building .There are other operations to make planning more useful for all are as follow –
  1. Make through study of climatic conditions and to make it more easy here one assume the average climatic conditions .
  2. Study the counters of land to take the advantages of various height to provide various accommodations or even one cane assume it as a plain land than one must find out how much soil is to be filed to make it plain to fiend out the cast of project.
  3. Study the near by road patterns , to take the maximum advantages in planning .
  4. Study the horticulture used along roads and near by landscape which can be useful in planning .
  5. Write down the various requirements of that building and by means of circulation diagram link them with each other for human comforts and at the same time it will help to reduce the circulation area .
  6. After this decide the various required dimensions in terms of area  to minimize the cast . At this stage it will help to establish the various inter relations of different functional areas .
  7. Draw the composition on horizontal plain will be PLAN of building .
  8. After the plan draw its corresponding composition on vertical plane will term as ELEVATION .which will be also a composition.
  9. This PLAN and ELEVATION  will be the part of PLANNING .