As concerns of an environmental
pollution are very vast one has to understand for a common man. In broad terms
the pollution can be classified in two groups. First Natural Pollution and
second man made pollution and both are governing with total environment
including land-soil, water and air. In the case of natural pollution which is
produced by the action and reaction of nature is 98% recycled by nature and
converting into useful end products again for mankind. Here a very simple
example is carbon dioxide is produced by man is absorbed by the plants and
plant materials and in return gives oxygen which is very important for mankind.
Even Sunami in sea can be used as a source of energy or power which can be used
by man in future to generate power. Sun produces excessive heat which is used
for evaporation of water to produce clouds for rains which is very important
for man kind as well as for natural elements. In India , most of the families use to
preserve the food materials and can cook their food by means of solar cookers. Sun
heat is very important for leaves for their actions and reactions of
chlorophyll for plant and also for mankind to work. Even sun heat is useful to
accelerate aerobic and anaerobic reactions. A natural rain fall which comes
through different layers of environment by absorbing various useful gases for
mankind to earth-soil .From earth soil when it percolate by and by it is
purified and than finally collected underground
as a reservoir as a purest form of water for mankind . In ground present
of water helps to sustain earth-quake and earth magnetic movement up to some
extend and mankind withdraws it in emergency. Here in nature aerobic and
anaerobic reactions with organic substances are going on which produces and
produce manure. Up to some extend earth pressure provides pressure and
temperature both which help to increase the rate of bio-mass reactions which is
again an useful end product .Present of particulates in nature reduces sun
–heat as well as deposition of water vapors on its surface to form clouds for rains
which helps to grow various organic substances for mankind in the form of
grains for mankind to grow with nature.
Nature is the best friend of mankind which solves the
problem of man-produce pollution to recycle and convert it into useful end
products for man. But today due to very fast and rapid growth of science and
technology man is discharging various pollutants in a large quantity in nature
which nature is not able to covert into useful end products. So must also find
the various methods to reduce the quantity of pollutant or converting it in
different forms which may be easy for nature and at the same time useful for
mankind. For example sewer line carrying human excreta has a large dilution
i.e. water to flow under the self cleansing property and then mass treatment
under aerobic and an aerobic process is very costly and it has to go out through
the city. If it treated by oxidation pond then it means various gases and
micro-organisms are discharged in environment which has to recycle by nature
and if it done under an-aerobic method then more space, money and time
required. In my opinion the process of an-aerobic treatment of human excreta
through septic tank is better and there may be collection of gases is to be
used for energy or for light or for cooking food. Another process which I
develop is far better, useful and economical for mankind. Let us dream a
cluster of houses having a sizable land which can be used as kitchen garden,
have a common large type septic tank and effluent of this septic tank is passed
through perforated pipes from one meter below the soil level slope to the total
vegetable garden. The affluent water which consist of manure and organic particles
will be use for growth of plants and at the same time a part of affluent water
will be converted into ground water and gases are used for burning lights or
cooking are fire by which if any micro-organisms is present will die out. It
will give minimum load to nature.